Translation! The original is written in German language.


Meredosia October 20th
In Jesus Christ much-beloved sister and children! You surely think that your letter got lost but it arrived here June 18th. I was very happy getting it. I wanted to answer it immediately but then harvest started the following week and then I had two very bad fingers for seven weeks. So please forgive me that I waited to long before I wrote this letter.

It was very wet here this spring so a lot of fields couldn't be tilled. We were able to till all of our land and we had a very good harvest. We harvested more than 700 bushels of wheat and a good oat and a very good corn. I don't know how much bushel of it for it's still outside in the fields. Everything is very cheap here at the moment. Wheat costs 86 cent, corn 32 cents and potatos 50 cent. We're all well and the old Grandfather who is living with us for a year now is still well, too.

Christian and Heinrich Placke rented a place of 160 acre. They have to give the third part of what they harvest. It's really good land and they sow wheat already. They will marry next spring and then they will move to their place. Christian will marry Emilie Lovekamp and Heinrich Placke will marry Luise Böhs who is the youngest sister of Fritz.

You asked how it goes with Heinrich's leg: he is watching out for himself a lot but you still can see it. And you asked if Wilhelm is living far more West as we do: he isn't living west of us but he is far more North than we are. He has to ride the train for 15 hours and is living near Chicago. Studying is not as expensive here as it is in Germany. Otherwise only a few people would study for most of the people here are poor Germans. He don't need more than 100 Dollar a year and if he wants to become a teacher, he will have to study five years. If he wants to become a preacher, he will have to study for another two years. That would cost more but such schools get a lot of gifts (donations). You should not believe that he is studying because he wants to have a famous name or a good life. No, he is studying for he thinks he has to. Preachers and teachers don't earn such a lot of money here as they do in Germany. They don't get more than they need to life on. When Wilhelm started to study, he had 500 Dollars and if the money is gone then the beloved Lord will help him. He spent two month with us this summer, July and August, for they do have vacations during that time. I think he will be very successful while studying for he likes it. The teachers have been very satisfied with him this year. Maybe you think that the students have an easy time here but they have to learn as much as students in Germany. They have to learn several languages and several musical intruments. They do have five teachers at the college.

Fritz is well, too. He is as big as Christian. Mina and Marichen are going to school every day and Elisa is well, too.

Ich have to make an end now. Please write soon for we love to hear something of the friends. I think, this letter will find you in good shape and good mood. Give my regards to Mother Frese and the Gertner and his wife if they are still there.

Greetings from us and our children to all of you. Please write soon.

Your sister Luise


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